Thursday, November 8, 2018

Today, I want to talk about miniatures. I'm thinking about making this a weekly/bi-weekly bit where I let everyone know that I'm not dead, by posting about crafty people that inspire me.

Classes have been keeping me from my paper-y love, and I do need to keep on this site.

For anyone that doesn't know, it's almost impossible to find accessories for action figures in the 1/12th scale. I have a fairly large collection of 6" action figures, but barely any accessories, save for the ones they came with.

This is a problem.

....Or it was until I got on YouTube.

Myfroggystuff. Probably one of the most resourceful/crafty YouTubers I've seen so far. She uses common items that you can find around your house to make some pretty darn good looking accessories.

Here's what I did from the tutorials I watched of hers....


Yes, I made little wine bottles for my action figures (thus the reason my blog is the Papertoy Pub, and not something classy, or professional). I found the labels online and shrunk them as needed.

Her miniatures are more.... Child friendly, and can easily be modified..... As you can see. 

She also does tutorials on miniature foods. And I don't mean just pie or cake, she does food tutorials. And a lot of them.

But, my figures aren't concerned about a healthy diet, especially when there's pumpkin pie to be had.

For those looking for more adventurous items, she's made telescopes, tents, and bows and arrows. 

All in all, if you're looking for a quick prop or something for your kid (or kid relative), or something to do with your kid on the cheap. I'd recommend you check her out.

I was not paid to promote, I just like to promote people that do things well and could possibly be an inspiration or aide to someone else.

Next time, paper figure stuff, I promise.