Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Since I did an initial welcome post, (which didn't explain anything about this blog) it's time to introduce some content.

Now, let's start with a new project, because I'm going to dedicate this blog to said projects.

This is a model I'm working on for one of my characters. This particular character is a Halfling, so she's proved a bit of a challenge. Specifically shrinking the proportions down so she doesn't look too tall.

 Please excuse the photography, cell phones are rather limited in their capabilities. Anyway, as you can see in the topmost picture, we have examples of the building stages. I start with a flat model with very basic shapes and I sculpt onto those. I am not using a base model of my own creation, I have to find the link to the original so credit can be given to creator of the base model. (Edit: AH-HA! I have the link. If you want the base, here's the link to the original creators page, I use the "Paper Protagonist".... Albeit a bit upsized for personal use): http://tcfgaming.com/

Now, for sculpting material, I use the finest quality restaurant napkins you can snag. Starbucks, or Dunkin donuts, depending on where I went that day. Cheap toilet paper works too, but I prefer napkins, they don't stick to my fingers as much. 

As for attaching, and building. I don't use tape, or anything really fancy. Just Elmer's glue. It does the job just fine. 

I think I'm going to call this the end of this particular post for now.... I need to set up and take some nicer pictures.