Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tis time for yet another installment of me making paper stuff. As it's been a long time since the last post (oops), I'm going to stick with something sort of simple.

The Hips.

Here is a comparison of the original (albeit, enlarged) figure next to my Dwyn mod. So for this modification, I simply gave more space for the leg to swing up. This allows for a decent enough amount of posability.

How is this articulation acomplished? On the original base, with a pipe cleaner. On Dwyn, with more paper and yet another toothpick.

As you can see in the above image, to the left of the hips is an oddly shaped piece of paper, this is the piece that will act as the toothpick holder and an additional support for the hips. It's basically the pelvic bones just a lot simpler.

So once you cut out one, cut out maybe three or five more since it should be equal on both sides... At least I think it should be.

From there I like to stuff the piece into the hips, as a sort of brutal test fitting. If it fits, I decide where I want to toothpick to fit through, and I poke a hole into all of the pieces, once I fish them out of the hip.

From there, it's a bit hard to see, but fit the pieces together and glue them in place. 
Use your own metal toothpick tool to make sure that the holes are lined up properly. Or a regular toothpick, if thats all you have.

Next, stuff it carefully into the hips. Sometimes it may take some harsh pushing, poking, and prodding, but it'll get in there. One way, or another. Once it's in there, glue that thing down and leave it to dry.

Once it's secure jam a toothpick through the pre-poked holes. This may take some gentle persuasion as well, since the toothpick can break. Do not glue the toothpick yet, I'll explain later.

(I do apologize, this is Marta in the last pic here, not Dwyn. This was just a better picture and it's all the same process anyway)

So, by the end of this ever so long awaited post, we have made the base for the hip articulation. Next, we'll actually articulate the thing. Which demands that I actually finish making the thighs.... So the next post might be on the thighs and we'll leave hip articulation as a sort of cliff hanger. Or maybe it'll be a double feature. We'll see.

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